Saturday, 6 February 2010

Brief trip to Somalia.

Abyssinian white-eye, (based on range over very similar Yellow white- eye).

One I recognised, an Osprey,
with a fish.
Northern carmine bee- eater.

Yellow billed kite, (sub-species/seperate species of Black kite).

Sacred Ibis.

For the last week of January I was away on assignment in Somalia. Surprisingly this gave a welcome opportunity to have a brief look at some of the birds in Mogadishu. We were based with the African Union peace keepers on their main base which was besides the sea and surrounded by Acacia bushes and scrub. Movements were limited and I wish I'de taken my field guides to the birds of East Africa, which I still haven't found...

Here are some pictures of a couple of birds I was able to identify and when I find my guide, I may post a few more. Here is a link to the assignment:

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