Wednesday, 10 February 2010

9th February

Well, I couldn't resist one...

One of the forty plus Redwings.

Blue tit in Graveney wood.

One of the Nuthatches around the tennis courts.

Not that much to report from an early walk this morning. It was cold and bright and generally quiet. There were 40+ Redwing over by Dr Johnson's Avenue and 2 Mistle thrushes by the running track. 3 pairs of Great spotted woodpeckers were seen and 2 Green woodpeckers were heard, in Cafe and Graveney woods. A Herring gull flew over Furzedown as did a Grey heron and a Cormorant. There were no Cormorants on the pond though there was a heron and 4 pairs of Tufties. Greenfinches and Chaffinches were heard singing which made me wonder where the Godfinches were. The highlight was 4 Nuthatches chasing each other around the bushes and small trees at the back of the tennis courts.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

6th February

A singing Robin.

Robins doing their 'dance'.

General view in Graveney wood.

Crow on a roof in Furzedown.

An early start on a damp and slightly misty morning. Even so, Spring must be in the air, at least as far as the birds are concerned. Song thrushes and Chaffinches could be heard singing and the Robins seemed to be doing some form of mating dance.

All the usual species where seen and some in good numbers. At least 30 Redwings seen around at the back of the Triangle and several were seen flying over Furzedown first thing. Also on the triangle were over 200 Black headed gulls and at least of pair of Common gulls. 60 Redwings were reported in the trees by the car park as were a pair of Lesser spotted woodpeckers. As the morning progressed it brightened and the sun came out. A rare sight in itself. A Sparrowhawk was seen high over Balham and one of the Little owls was out in full view in the favoured tree in Cafe wood.

However, still no Goldcrests. Brian and I heard one back in October but none since and the general consensus seems to be that they have been wiped out by the cold weather...

Saturday, 6 February 2010

1st February

Cyclists on the central path.

Robin and a light dusting of snow.


Sun rise through the trees in Graveney wood.

Planes racing across the sky in Furzedown.

After my brief trip away, it was great back over to the common. Double bonus after the hot weather in Africa as there was a light dusting of snow. It was a crisp fresh morning and a couple of Redwings were seen immediately flying over Furzedown. The Blue and Great tits were abundant through out Graveney wood and several Great spotted woodpeckers were seen there. My main motivation was to get over to see the Robins who leapt out immediately. There seem to be at least six individuals just in the one area (the beach area of the pond) alone. Also there, Chaffinchs could be heard singing as could Greenfinchs and Dunnocks. Another singing Chaffinch was heard on the way over to Cafe wood, is it that time of year already? In the wood itself, there was another Chaffinch and lots of Great and Blue tits and some very active Great spotted woodpeckers. A single Nuthatch was also seen, but the highlight was to see both Little owls sitting out sunning themselves, within a few feet of each other.

Brief trip to Somalia.

Abyssinian white-eye, (based on range over very similar Yellow white- eye).

One I recognised, an Osprey,
with a fish.
Northern carmine bee- eater.

Yellow billed kite, (sub-species/seperate species of Black kite).

Sacred Ibis.

For the last week of January I was away on assignment in Somalia. Surprisingly this gave a welcome opportunity to have a brief look at some of the birds in Mogadishu. We were based with the African Union peace keepers on their main base which was besides the sea and surrounded by Acacia bushes and scrub. Movements were limited and I wish I'de taken my field guides to the birds of East Africa, which I still haven't found...

Here are some pictures of a couple of birds I was able to identify and when I find my guide, I may post a few more. Here is a link to the assignment: